News and Stories

The season officially started

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June 13, 2023
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Ricardo Barradas
Season 2022

Sailing season just stated. Big news for this year. Sailing courses, more expeditions and changes in some courses.

The season kick off was in March with a Internacional Crew, Bareboat Sipper and one Powerboat course. March means busy us.

This year we are bringing some news. The consolidation of the Sailing Expedition, Mile Building and Advanced courses / Yachtmaster level and we also launched last month the following expeditions:


During those passages we will take Yachtmaster candidates but also mile builders looking for a serious offshore sailing. Find more about our ocean passages @

We also increased the duration of our Flotilla Skipper course from 5 to 8 days.

In the Powerboating field we have big news - boat sharing. Once again pioneer! Coming soon.

Sign up for our newsletter and be the first one to know the amazing Powerboat offer we have this year!

Stay tuned

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