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Solo traveler friendly trips

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June 13, 2023
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Ricardo Barradas
Solo Traveller

Onboard, enjoy the downtime to catch up some inner reflections, to read peacefully without Wi-Fi connections. Whenever we reach a port? This is how it looks...

Traveling by yourself?

Sail away with us and know other people looking for the same - exploring the world and shares experiences.

Travelling solo can be one of the most exciting ways to travel, since, by loosening yourself from your travelling companion, you end opening up and connecting to more and different people.

Most our crew are solo travellers looking for new experiences, resulting in an incredible personal enrichment

While joining our expeditions you will be able to become part of the crew, the other participants will be your co-travellers, but still enjoy the practical perks to solo travel.

Onboard, enjoy the downtime to catch up some inner reflections, to read peacefully without Wi-Fi connections. Whenever we reach a port? Do what you want, when you want. Have your own schedule to explore land, feel free to meet locals and other travellers, marinas are full of interesting people eager to meet you.

So, either bringing someone along or not, join our crew and welcome aboard!

Check the feed back of Maria, a Russian girl that participate as solo traveler on a sailing expedition in October 2020.

This is a review of one of our last Solo Travellers:

The Cadiz expedition experience was way cooler than what I expected (and I expected a lot!).
Sailing at night, hearing just the wind and the waves, seeing the stars above me and glowing plankton in the black water was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced.

Encounters with marine wildlife:

The dolphins riding the waves along with the boat just blew my mind. They were so close I could touch them and they looked right at me. The Blue Swan herself is a real beauty, it’s not just some commercial thing purchased to make money, but a classic boat lovingly and passionately restored by Ricardo. She has a soul, and you feel it in every detail.

About the sailing itself:

The sailing experience was a bit challenging sometimes, but never too much. By the end of the trip, I could even understand some of the sea jargon (or I thought I did…)
Ricardo is a great skipper, we have been lucky to have an amazing connection between all the expedition members. The food was amazing, and the mood on board always great.
The shore expeditions were also a lot of fun.
I am looking forward to my next trip with Atlantic Explorers, and I definitely, definitely recommend the Cadiz expedition to anyone who is curious about sailing and wants to give it a try.

Maria Serena

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