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Learning by doing - edcucational project

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June 13, 2023
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Miriam Martinez
Experiential Learning

‍There are more than 800 hours of training where our trainees develop their competencies for the labor world and augmenting their sea literacy.

Crescer pelo Mar (Growing by the Sea) is a project that aims to train young adults from the Algarve in the nautical field, taking advantage of our geographical and weather characteristics, plus, the enormous variety of maritime activities available in the market. The main purpose is to develop training activities with teenagers and young adults, with learning difficulties or from a complex social and economical background.

Regarding the specific purposes, this project intends to provide professional qualifications in jobs related to the sea.

Other goals of this project:

- improve personal and social skills to minimize the negative impacts of the social and economical background

- promote a sustainable approach to the maritime resources through nautical leisure activities

- participation in local regatas / social inclusion in sailing competition

- promote literacy of the oceans by raising awareness of the local community regarding the micro plastics pollution in the ocean

Our youngsters are receiving training in 5 different areas:

1- professional in maritime touristic resources

2- powerboat (certification)

3- environmental citizenship

4- marketing

5- nautical sports

There are more than 800 hours of training where our trainees develop their competencies for the labor world and augmenting their sea literacy.

Find more about this project visiting our association website

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